PATH4YOU is a diverse team of healthcare providers and individuals passionate about quality reproductive care for all.
PATH4YOU Clinical Care Providers
PATH4YOU Program Team

Kathleen Wendholt, MPA, CCRP
Program Manager

Maria Fernandez, BA
Patient Liaison Lead, Community Outreach

Faith Coleman, MAE, BS, CCHW
Community Outreach Lead, Research Specialist

Emilie Theis, RN, BSN, MPH
Project Clinical Director

Olivia Schowe
Community Outreach, Central Indiana

Libni Trostel
Community Outreach, Northern Indiana

Hannah Tate
Community Outreach, Southern Indiana
Funding and Support
We are thankful to our generous funders and donors who enable us to provide PATH4YOU services. This project is possible through funding and support from Indiana University Health Foundation, Bayer, CooperSurgical, Organon/Merck, and private foundations and donors.

Community Partners
Indiana Minority Health Coalition
Multicultural Affairs at Eskenazi
Fairbanks School of Public Health
IUPUI History, Medical Humanities and Health Studies
Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky
Broadway United Methodist Church
Nurse-Family Partnership of Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana