We help you get the free
birth control you want!
How does it work?

Step 1:
Schedule an appointment. Free in-person or virtual visit appointments available in Indiana.

Explore your
Step 2:
Your appointment confirmation message will include a link to our birth control explorer where you can learn about different birth control methods that you may be interested in.

Attend your
Step 3:
Attend your one-on-one appointment with a trusted clinical provider. Your visit will focus on you and what is important to you.

Get your free
birth control
Step 4:
After you have chosen your birth control method, you will receive the method that same day, or have it sent to a pharmacy near you or delivered to your home.
Just want to talk about birth control?
Wondering what method is right for you? Interested in birth control for reasons other than pregnancy prevention? Our birth control navigator is available to discuss all of your options!